

DELF / DALF officially certifies the ability of students to use the French language in real-life situations. Certifications are based on the six proficiency levels of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) for languages.

The diploma is awarded to you for life by the French Government and is recognized all over the world. Besides having your level of competency in the language confirmed, the diploma is very useful while applying for a job. Many places in Canada are beginning to require specific language levels based on the Common European Framework of Reference. Parks Canada in PEI for example, requires their bilingual summer employees to have the B2 level. During the last Olympics, bilingual volunteers were also required to have the B2 level in French in order to participate. French Departments at Universities such as Western, recognize the levels in their course programs.

Four skills are being evaluated at each level of the certification

  • Oral comprehension
  • Oral expression
  • Reading skills
  • Writing skills